Category Cleaning
Description My father sold his house. Movers and junk yard people have already been through the house removing things. Now we need cleaners to come in and clean the house so it is presentable to buyers to move in. Bathrooms cleaned, Kitchen cleaned, basement and garage cleared out of debris and all floors swept.
Equipment Needed Cleaning Pack (Rags/Paper Towels, All-purpose cleaner, Vacuum, Mop)
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description need 2 hard working people who can deal with an elderly person.
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27517
Start Time Thu. Apr 28, 2016 at 10:00am
When Posted Monday, 04/25/16 05:07pm
Awarded Sweepers
Rachel A.
5.0 6 Reviews
Annie R.
4.83 43 Reviews
Rachel A. 5 I was able to communicate with Rachel over the phone since I live in another state and she was cleaning my father's house. She was very nice and she was able to be my eyes since I could see what all needed to be done. I appreciate her honesty and hard work.
Annie R. 4 Did a great job

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