Category Cleaning
Description The job entails vacuuming and mopping downstairs hardwood floors and stairs carpet. Now that most of the plants are outside for the summer, we want to make the vacant floor space shine. Needing particular attention is the intersection of the floors and walls which might require some hand cleaning. Cleaning supplies are included.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 1
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27514
Start Time Wed. May 29, 2019 at 1:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Saturday, 05/25/19 01:49am
Awarded Sweepers
Elijah K.
4.97 93 Reviews
Elijah K. 5 Elijah moved heavy boxes in addition to completing the cleaning job. Nice attention to detail and extra hard work on a hot & humid day. Great job. Thank you so much.

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