Category Cleaning
Description My roommate and I are moving out of a 2-bedroom apartment and want to have the place cleaned a bit. We'd like a Sweeper to do the following: -mop kitchen, bathroom, and living room floor -clean shelves in kitchen and living room -wipe down kitchen counters and oven -clean out fridge The place doesn't need to be spotless, just decently clean. We approximate that it would take 2 Sweepers 1-hour to do this, and we can finish anything that doesn't get done within an hour. We have cleaning products already.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27514
Start Time Wed. Jul 15, 2015 at 5:30pm
When Posted Tuesday, 07/14/15 01:46am
Awarded Sweepers
Bobby K.
4.83 35 Reviews
Xiangyu W.
None 14 Reviews
Xiangyu W. Great job! Thank you

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