Category Cleaning
Description Recently removed household furniture & boxes out of attic. This job is for the clean up after the move. I would like the attic floor swept with a broom to remove visible pieces of leftover small debris & put into large sized black bags. Remove black bags from attic, down stairs, to outside in trash can. I will provide a mask to help keep dust from bothering. Maybe 3 bags? Attic size is that of a 2-car garage. Low light but adequate. Attic is not temp controlled so will tend to be hot on a hot day and cold on a cold day.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 1
Sweeper Description You always send me the perfect people for the job. The person should be able to handle possibly seeing a mouse. I doubt this would happen but I know a mouse has been there on occasion in the past. (I would freak so not doing this job myself). Should also be able to handle, lift and carry an oversized garbage bag. I would not send someone with allergies or asthma.
When and Where
Location Durham, 27713
Start Time Sun. Mar 26, 2017 at 2:00pm
Time Estimate 3 hours
When Posted Sunday, 03/19/17 06:35pm
Awarded Sweepers
Keith H.
Keith H. 5 Keith was wonderful! He quickly understood the tasks and worked hard and fast to get everything done. He was courteous and respectful, and a lot of fun. He said he likes to sign up for moving jobs. I will have a big one in 3-4 mo & I hope he can help me with this.

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