Category Cleaning
Description I need help with cleaning off my screened in porch and small front porch to get ready for visitors on Sunday. It would involve hosing off/wiping down chairs, doors, and corners, and cleaning away any pollen or spiderwebs. Basic cleaning skills, attention to detail and not afraid of dust or spider webs. I'll provide hose, broom, paper towels, rags, and cleaning products. :-)
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 1
When and Where
Location Greensboro, 27408
Start Time Fri. Jul 19, 2024 at 4:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Wednesday, 07/17/24 03:02pm
Awarded Sweepers
Hunter C.
4.87 38 Reviews
Hunter C. 5 Accepted the job on short notice and did great work with little need for direction. Would hire again!

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