Category Cleaning
Description This is a move out clean for a three story condo... basically needs to be swept and vacuumed. The bathrooms should be cleaned and all kitchen appliances as well. Some spots on carpet so bring carpet cleaner if possible. Bring a vacuum and mop/something for hard floors.
Equipment Needed Cleaning Pack (Rags/Paper Towels, All-purpose cleaner, Vacuum, Mop)
Sweepers Requested 1
Sweeper Description Please bring cleaning supplies! Vacuum, mop etc
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27607
Start Time Sun. Feb 5, 2017 at 5:00pm
Time Estimate 3 hours
When Posted Sunday, 02/05/17 04:13am
Awarded Sweepers
Bryon S.
4.92 12 Reviews
Bryon S. 5 Great job

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