Category Cleaning
Description Would like an apartment cleaning (if well done, would like monthly service). It's a two bedroom apartment at Camden Manor Park (nothing fancy) in Raleigh; however, I only wish for one of the bedrooms and one of the bathrooms (the master that is to the left as you walk in) to be cleaned along with the living room, dining room, kitchen. Please also exchange sheets (should be a quick wash, no Clorox please). Garbage only needs to be bagged and placed outside of the door (no need to take it to the dumpsters). Cleaning supplies are under the bathroom sink and the vacuum is in the coat closet at the front door (please empty when finished).Please limit work time to about 1.5 hours (which should be plenty of time, I expect it'll only take about 45 minutes).
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 1
Sweeper Description Trustworthy. Please pay attention to detail and don't hesitate to call (828) 284-3999 with questions.
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27612
Start Time Thu. Aug 13, 2015 at 12:00pm
When Posted Thursday, 08/06/15 04:23pm
Awarded Sweepers
Tyler C.
Tyler C. haven't checked yet

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