Category Cleaning
Description This is for cleaning and organizing. I need a helper to finish setting up the house for guests--putting away stuff into bins, carrying either down to the garage or upstairs to the bonus room. Also, need help with getting things dusted, vacuumed and cleaned--including bathroom mirrors, window sills, baseboards. Also, making beds, folding towels.
Equipment Needed Cleaning Pack (Rags/Paper Towels, All-purpose cleaner, Vacuum, Mop)
Sweepers Requested 1
Sweeper Description Someone who will be careful with the items being shuttled around the house--some are breakable. Someone who has cleaned successfully several times before and knows what to do without being told.
When and Where
Location Cary, 27513
Start Time Mon. Apr 18, 2016 at 3:00pm
When Posted Monday, 04/18/16 03:32am
Awarded Sweepers
Annie R.
4.83 43 Reviews
Annie R. 5 Love Annie! She is so helpful and hard working!

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