Category Events
Description This is a buffet brunch for out-of-town guests following a wedding the evening before. The event date and time is Sunday, October 8, from 10AM to noon. I need someone to help with keeping my home tidy and trash picked up, helping to restock food, and helping to ensure that all guests are treating my home and furniture with the respect it deserves.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description I need someone who is reliable, pleasant with guests, presentable, and industrious. I also need someone with a long and good track record with Sweeps, as this is my home and so I need an extremely honest person that I can trust. They must also be attentive to details (like noticing food spilled on the floor or the sweating glass that has been abandoned on a piece of good furniture and promptly dealing with it). They should be able to deal diplomatically with issues like someone tracking mud all over the floor, asking them nicely to remove their shoes, and that sort of thing. I am also posting for a sweeper needed for another job on Friday evening, October 6, and it would be nice if the same individual could handle both jobs.
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27516
Start Time Sun. Oct 8, 2017 at 10:00am
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Friday, 06/09/17 07:02pm
Awarded Sweepers
Tyler D.
Mitchell E.
Tyler D. 5 Could not be happier with Tyler and would recommend him to anyone. He worked two jobs for me and was timely, presentable, on top of all assigned tasks, industrious, cheerful, thorough and hard working.
Mitchell E. 5 Very happy with Mitchell. This was the first time he worked for me. He arrived on time, and was presentable, courteous, and hardworking the entire time.

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