Category Events
Description General set-up and clean up for a mid-size wedding reception, restocking of food and beverage items as needed, assisting with dishes and trash collection, cleaning any accidental messes.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 1
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27516
Start Time Sun. May 26, 2019 at 4:00pm
Time Estimate 7 hours
When Posted Friday, 04/05/19 05:14pm
Awarded Sweepers
Owen R.
5.0 7 Reviews
Owen R. 5 Owen was so helpful to us on our big day! He was polite and eager and always on task. We gave him enough work for several people and though he was always being pulled in many directions, he managed it all well and was so even-keeled! We really enjoyed him and couldn’t have done it without him. Thanks, Owen!

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