Category Events
Description I need a bartender and a server for a party on Dec 10th. The party starts at 7pm, but I would like a bartender who is willing to do the prep work before the party starts. I will provide all the supplies. There will be about 40 adults at the party.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description The server will need to pass around appetizers, pick up empty drink glasses, and possibly wash them to return to the bartender. The bartender will need to be able to make mixed drinks -- including but not limited to cosmo, gin and tonic, old fashioned, manhattan, and moscow mule.
When and Where
Location Durham, 27705
Start Time Sat. Dec 10, 2016 at 6:30pm
Time Estimate 4 hours
When Posted Monday, 12/05/16 12:52am
Awarded Sweepers
Rose W.
Nick Z.
4.91 53 Reviews
Rose W. 5 Rose did an excellent job as the bartender for our party. She arrived on time, dressed properly for the occasion, and best of all -- the drinks were great. She was able to make whatever drinks people ordered. I would definitely hire her again!
Nick Z. 5 Nick was a pleasure to work with. He served hors d'oeuvres throughout our party, working both as the server and in the kitchen warming them up before serving them. He was very polite and easy to work with. I would definitely hire him again.

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