Category Events
Description ** INDULGE CATERING needs you ** You will setup the food buffet with catering equipment and setup tables and chairs. You will buss tables and pass appetizers. ** I need two bartenders or someone who has poured beer and wine before ** Please come very clean, well groomed and presentable in the correct uniform. No EXCEPTIONS. Please wear black dress pants/slacks, a all black polo shirt or a all black t-shirt (no graphics) an all black belt, all black comfortable shoes. Parking is free. Please bring water bottles and snacks. You will park in the free parking lot. In order to get to the free parking please GPS 418 Anderson st Durham, NC 27708.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 4
When and Where
Location Durham, 27708
Start Time Fri. Dec 2, 2022 at 3:00pm
Time Estimate 6 hours
When Posted Tuesday, 11/29/22 04:34pm
Lashunn G. 5 Great worker always a team player. Thanks for making the event a successful Indulgent Experience. held FOH down like a pro.. Thank you
Anthony D. 5 Great worker always a team player. Thanks for making the event a successful Indulgent Experience. Thanks for holding down Chef Jay and the BOH team
Jordan W. 5 Great worker always a team player. Thanks for making the event a successful Indulgent Experience. Thanks for being our amazing bartender for the evening.
Ondre M. 5 Great worker always a team player. Thanks for making the event a successful Indulgent Experience. Excellent FOH service.

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