Category Events
Description Need help at a rehearsal dinner! We get the keys at 5pm, so, likely setup from~5-7pm, then there will be 2 beer and wine bars and we'll need 2 bar tenders at each station. The event ends at 10pm and we'll also need event cleanup help from 10pm-11pm. Not a sitdown meal, just pizzas, so work will likely entail setting up, bartending and general event help, then event cleanup.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 4
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27601
Start Time Fri. Jun 5, 2015 at 5:00pm
When Posted Monday, 03/23/15 04:11pm
Amanda W. Self directed, handled all duties well with a good attitude. Would welcome her for any future requirements
Travis H. Self directed, handled all duties well with a good attitude. Would welcome him for any future requirements (good luck with the football stuff)
Madelyn U. Self directed, handled all duties well with a good attitude. Would welcome her for any future requirements

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