Category Moving
Description Moving a heavy dresser from a house (from the second floor) in Chapel Hill, transporting that dresser to 436 S Greensboro Street, and then setting it up here (ground floor but a tight fit with narrow hallways)
Equipment Needed Moving Pack (Hand truck, Moving blankets, Straps/rope)
Pickup Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27517
Start Time Sun. Jun 23, 2024 at 2:30pm
Time Estimate 1 hour
When Posted Saturday, 06/22/24 12:04pm
Awarded Sweepers
Brandon G.
Michael W.
4.96 47 Reviews
Brandon G. 5 Brandon was terrific: on-time, efficient, easy-going, made the moving look easy ; )
Michael W. 5 Michael was fantastic: arrived early, friendly and didn't waste any time, took extra caution moving through the house. Great!

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