Category Moving
Description We need some furniture moved from upstairs downstairs - and vice versa; all here in our home. We will also need some assistance with cleaning up the room once the things have been moved.
Equipment Needed Hand Truck
Sweepers Requested 3
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27517
Start Time Wed. Feb 10, 2021 at 3:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Monday, 02/08/21 06:30pm
Awarded Sweepers
Jack P.
4.94 54 Reviews
William O.
Justin B.
4.96 50 Reviews
Jack P. 5 Jack has a calm demeanor, has a lot of experience, and uses these assets to tackle any challenges that arise. He works very well alone or in a team and is resourceful.
William O. 5 William has good social and analytic skills. He tackles challenges calmly and engages others to resolve them. Easy to work with alone or in a team.
Justin B. 5 Justin thinks things through ahead of time and then executes. He is very approachable and works very well with others. Willingly to take on new challenges. A pleasure to work with.

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