Category Moving
Description My son, Dean, is moving from Granville Towers in Chapel Hill across Franklin St to a small duplex on Carver St about a mile away. He has roughly one pickup load of belongings for the move. He has to be out of Granville on the 1st. It may be necessary to break up the into two parts if the landlord doesn't have the duplex on Carver St ready on time.
Equipment Needed Pickup Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27516
Start Time Thu. Aug 1, 2019 at 2:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Tuesday, 07/30/19 10:16am
Awarded Sweepers
Michael H.
4.87 82 Reviews
Daniel F.
Michael H. 5 Michael is a nice kid and a hard worker. Good work!
Daniel F. 5 Daniel was a huge part of making my son's move successful. He was a key decision maker and problem solver, and kept his cool when things on our end began to unravel. He provided solutions to our problems, was very professional, and kept our stress levels to a minimum. Great job Daniel!

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