Category Moving
Description Pick up furniture items and a few boxes and take them to 4411 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd UHAUL storage #1699. Then take two items from the storage unit to Goodwill. I can meet the team at U-HAUL after we load up on Old 86, to help point out the items that go to Goodwill from storage (one couch and one chair). It would be great if both Sweepers had pick up trucks. There are a number of items going from Old 86 to storage: sectional sofa, coffee table, small tv stand, 8-10 boxes, desk chair, snow board. Let me know if you’d rather I rent a small U-Haul truck?
Equipment Needed Pickup Truck
Pickup Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27516
Start Time Fri. May 26, 2023 at 2:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Thursday, 05/25/23 08:20pm
Awarded Sweepers
Kevin C.
4.97 29 Reviews
Declan M.
Kevin C. 5 Kevin was eager to help and careful with moving our furniture. Really appreciate it!
Declan M. 5 Declan was eager to help and careful with moving our furniture. Really appreciate it!

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