Category Moving
Description Moving 2-bedroom, 2-story townhome in Hillsborough to 2-bedroom, 2-story townhome in Durham. Dining set (table and four chairs), 2 couches, 1 armchair and ottoman, 2 tvs, 2 desks, 2 beds, 4 dressers and 3 bookshelves.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description We would appreciate some heavy lifters to help us out and make our move smooth and easy!
When and Where
Location Hillsborough, 27278
Start Time Sat. Oct 24, 2015 at 3:00pm
When Posted Friday, 10/23/15 12:46am
Awarded Sweepers
Garrett S.
Enrique V.
4.97 53 Reviews
Garrett S. Garrett did a great job with our move. He was polite, professional, and a great lifter! Our move was smooth and easy thanks to him!
Enrique V. Enrique did a great job with our move. He was polite, professional, and a great lifter! Our move was smooth and easy thanks to him!

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