Details | |
Category | Moving |
Description | Moving Bedroom Set from downstairs to upstairs. This includes heavy queen mattress. Take apart and put back together a canopy bed (fairly straight forward). Move some closet items from 2nd floor to lower floor. |
Equipment Needed | none |
Sweepers Requested | 2 |
Sweeper Description | Not first time movers. The stairway is narrow and will take some navigating. I would like sweepers who are adept and figuring out how to position furniture while moving it so that they do not damage it or the walls. |
When and Where | |
Location | Chapel Hill, 27514 |
Start Time | Sat. Oct 20, 2018 at 12:30pm |
Time Estimate | 1 hour |
When Posted | Thursday, 10/18/18 12:25pm |
Awarded Sweepers | |
Nnamdi O.
30 Reviews
Keith H.
475 Reviews
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