Category Moving
Description Moving the contents of a 10x10 storage unit (mostly boxes, a few pieces of furniture) to another storage unit (10x20)
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Durham, 27713
Start Time Sat. Mar 13, 2021 at 3:00pm
Time Estimate 4 hours
When Posted Friday, 03/12/21 12:58pm
Awarded Sweepers
Justin B.
4.96 50 Reviews
Nathan M.
4.98 64 Reviews
Justin B. 5 Justin was professional and personable. He was a prompt, dedicated, hard worker. And an Eagle to top it off! It was obvious he has work experience moving, offering helpful suggestions and taking initiative. We would definitely ask for his help again and encourage others to do the same.
Nathan M. 5 Nathan was prompt and polite. He was super helpful with a welcoming laid back approach. A hard worker with a flexible attitude. Would gladly recommend him to others.

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