Category Moving
Description Unload 5x8 UHaul trailer into apt.
Equipment Needed Hand Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Cary, 27519
Start Time Sun. Nov 22, 2020 at 10:00am
Time Estimate 1 hour
When Posted Saturday, 11/21/20 07:39pm
Awarded Sweepers
William O.
Evan A.
William O. 5 William did a great job helping unload the contents of a moving trailer. He was on time, worked hard, and carefully handled our belongings. He was a great team player and helped solve problems to get the job done. Much appreciation to you, William!
Evan A. 5 This was our second experience with Evan. Again, he was on time, a team player, worked hard, helped solve problems to get the job done, and carefully handled our belongings. Many thanks to you, Evan!

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