Category Moving
Description This is a small office move. I have a station wagon full of boxes, as well as a very small desk and chair, to move from my house to my new office (both in Carrboro). In addition, I need to pick up a midsize printer and large box at my old office (also in Carrboro), and deliver them back to my house.
Equipment Needed Pickup Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Carrboro, 27510
Start Time Wed. Nov 30, 2016 at 2:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Tuesday, 11/29/16 10:36pm
Awarded Sweepers
Connor G.
Garrett S.
Connor G. 5 Prompt, fast, easy, and professional service
Garrett S. 5 Prompt, fast, easy, and professional service

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