Category Moving
Description i’m hiring a U-Haul truck, not super big as we don’t have masses of stuff but experience in packing moving truck efficiently would be good. I’ll have everything in labeled boxes and beds taken apart. We are taking no appliances or washer and dryer with us. I need the truck loaded the morning of 29 May and then unloading in the afternoon on 30 May
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Pittsboro, 27312
Start Time Tue. May 28, 2019 at 3:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Wednesday, 05/01/19 11:25pm
Awarded Sweepers
Lashunn G.
4.98 58 Reviews
Duncan M.
4.98 45 Reviews
Lashunn G. 5 Lashing arrived right on time. And worked extremely hard for the two hours that he was here. He worked well with the other Sweep. He was organized and treated my belongings with care . I would highly recommend Lashunn.
Duncan M. 5 Duncan was organized and worked well with the other Sweep. He worked extremely hard for the two hours that he was here. I would highly recommend Duncan.

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