Category Moving
Description Moving experience and a pickup truck needed. This job involves going to several locations in the Carrboro/Chapel Hill area. The number of items to be moved is 6 max, with the largest/heaviest being an older sofa that's approx 88 inches long (not a sleeper). Sweepers should meet me at the Extra Space Storage Facility on 15-501 by Walmart. Here are all the stops to pick up or drop off items: 1)Extra Space Storage 2)500 Smith Level Road Apts 3)CommunityWorks Thirft Shop in Carrboro 4)11031 David Stone Drive, Chapel Hill (across from Governors Club) 5)105 Sterling Chapel Way, Chapel Hill (Montclair neighborhood). If this job takes less than 2 hours, I have some light weeding/watering at the last stop that could be done. I am flexible on the timeframe Friday, as long as the job is completed by 5:30 pm.
Equipment Needed Pickup Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27517
Start Time Fri. Jul 16, 2021 at 3:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Wednesday, 07/14/21 09:08pm
Awarded Sweepers
Nick L.
Max B.
4.96 51 Reviews
Nick L. 5 Very professional & efficient - thank you!
Max B. 5 Very professional & efficient - thank you!

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