Category Moving
Description Moving from a 1 bedroom apartment to a 2 bedroom apartment in Southern Village. Need help loading and unloading large furniture items (ex: Couch, queen size mattress, empty dressers, table, etc.). One flight of stairs down for loading, and one flight up for unloading. Uhaul with ramp will be provided.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27516
Start Time Fri. Sep 1, 2023 at 9:00am
Time Estimate 1 hour
When Posted Sunday, 08/13/23 04:30pm
Awarded Sweepers
Paul D.
Justin B.
4.96 50 Reviews
Paul D. 5 Paul was professional and efficient in getting our moving job done. We hired Paul to help move several heavy furniture items and he worked like a pro! I would recommend Paul for anyone that needs help with moving!!
Justin B. 5 Justin was professional and efficient in getting our moving job done. We hired Justin to help move several heavy furniture items and he worked like a pro! I would recommend Justin for anyone that needs help with moving!!

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