Category Moving
Description Ceilings are being done at our home next week, so we need to move family room, dining and living rooms' furniture, books, items, lamps, etc., to other rooms. To finish, we also need to then take 4-5 boxes and some furniture to my office, about 5-7 minutes' drive away in Chapel Hill. So one person should have a van or pickup.
Equipment Needed Pickup Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27514
Start Time Sat. Apr 13, 2024 at 2:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Sunday, 04/07/24 04:30am
Awarded Sweepers
Stephon J.
4.93 45 Reviews
Kevin C.
4.97 29 Reviews
Stephon J. 5 Stephon was punctual, polite, and did a great job. Thank you!
Kevin C. 5 Kevin was punctual, polite, and did a great job. Thank you!

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