Category Moving
Description I need a couple of movers to help me move some furniture down a few flights of stairs. The biggest challenge will be not scratching or tearing my sofa as you go down a tight staircase. Other than that, it's all pretty standard stuff: mattress, chair, hutch, etc.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description Strong and agile enough to left a heavy sofa and maneuver it around a tight staircase. It can be done, but it's not going to be a cinch. Or maybe it will be for the right person...
When and Where
Location Carrboro, 27510
Start Time Tue. Dec 29, 2015 at 8:00am
When Posted Monday, 12/21/15 07:51pm
Awarded Sweepers
Enrique V.
4.97 53 Reviews
Brandon H.
4.88 57 Reviews
Enrique V. On time, courteous, and focused. Enrique did a fantastic job!
Brandon H. On time, courteous, and focused. Brandon did a fantastic job!

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