Category Moving
Description I just moved to Chapel Hill in February. I am having some work done in my garage so that I can store things there, but I have to remove all the boxes in there and a table. I have ordered a truck with a ramp and a dolly for Sunday. I would love to have some help moving the boxes into the truck and then into the storage unit which is close by.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27516
Start Time Sun. Mar 17, 2019 at 10:00am
Time Estimate 3 hours
When Posted Thursday, 03/14/19 08:18pm
Awarded Sweepers
Keith H.
Duncan M.
4.98 45 Reviews
Keith H. 4 Friendly, worked well with Duncan. Were able to accomplish everything in 3 hours.
Duncan M. 5 Excellent in every way. Very sweet. Was on time, precise and thoughtful in placement of boxes (heavy ones on bottom of stacks) and other placement of boxes so everything fit in truck and storage unit. Really impressed!

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