Category Moving
Description moving some large and heavy furniture down 3 flights of stairs into my garage - one piece will be a tight fit and challenging to maneuver - need 3 strong men who will be very careful to not bang up the walls:)
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 3
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27516
Start Time Sun. Jun 16, 2019 at 5:00pm
Time Estimate 3 hours
When Posted Wednesday, 06/12/19 06:28pm
Awarded Sweepers
Ned T.
5.0 8 Reviews
Daniel F.
Miles T.
Ned T. 5 Great job at a very challenging task moving lots of furniture down 2 and 3 flights of stairs. Great attitude, respectful of property, and pleasant. Really hard worker.
Daniel F. 5 Great job at a very challenging task moving lots of furniture down 2 and 3 flights of stairs. Great attitude, respectful of property, and pleasant. Really hard worker.
Miles T. 5 Great job at a very challenging task moving lots of furniture down 2 and 3 flights of stairs. Great attitude, respectful of property, and pleasant. Really hard worker.

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