Category Moving
Description I have almost 100 boxes of blankets arriving today that will be on shrink-wrapped pallets. These will need to be broken down and the boxes moved inside and stacked. Let's try for a cooler part of the day.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27514
Start Time Wed. Jul 20, 2022 at 5:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Wednesday, 07/20/22 09:22am
Awarded Sweepers
Cahyran D.
Sam H.
5.0 7 Reviews
Cahyran D. 5 It was a hot, sweaty job, and there were a lot of boxes to move. Cahyran even showed up with his own hand truck! He is a hard worker with a good attitude!
Sam H. 5 Sam is such a hard worker and has such a great attitude and tons of energy. I would definitely hire him again!

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