Category Moving
Description Job is to provide help in moving 1-2 pieces of furniture from the parking lot into my apartment on Tuesday 1/12. We plan to be here at12:45pm and the time is very important (my other helper has another obligation.) If you're not completely sure you can make it by 12:45, please pass this one by. Location is Cary/Durham, near 540 exit 66B (hwy 55). There are two flights of stairs (I'm on the 3rd floor) and the main piece is a large bookcase. It is heavy, but my other helper is very strong and will probably do most of the heavy lifting with a dolly, you would mostly be there to help alleviate some of the extra weight -- you definitely won't be lifting by yourself. It's only 1-2 pieces, so you can expect to be finished by 1:45pm or before if things go well.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 1
Sweeper Description I'm looking for someone capable of lifting and moving heavy furniture (with assistance) up two flights of stairs, so strength and physical fitness is important. Arrival time is a deal breaker for this job, so responsibility and reliability (history of following through on commitments) would also be an ideal trait.
When and Where
Location Cary, 27519
Start Time Tue. Jan 12, 2016 at 12:45pm
When Posted Tuesday, 01/12/16 12:04am
Awarded Sweepers
Darren B.
None 3 Reviews
Darren B. Darren was very helpful, professional, and punctual. I enjoyed working with him and would recommend him to other employers.

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