Category Moving
Description Moving two story house into mobile storage unit. Large furniture includes: chest of drawers, king sized bed frame/mattress. Storage unit will be on site, and we only needing help loading unit.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Durham, 27713
Start Time Fri. Jul 23, 2021 at 9:00am
Time Estimate 8 hours
When Posted Saturday, 07/17/21 06:34pm
Awarded Sweepers
Cade M.
4.8 5 Reviews
Kevin C.
4.97 29 Reviews
Cade M. 5 Cade was fantastic helping us move. He took care of our stuff like it was his own. Would absolutely recommend him to anyone!
Kevin C. 5 Kevin was fantastic helping us move. He took care of our stuff like it was his own. Would absolutely recommend him to anyone!

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