Category Moving
Description I am moving my home office out of my garage and into a local office building. I need a hand with packing items up, loading/unloading, and carrying items up the stairs (my office is on the second floor). Most items can be carried by a single person... I just have lots of stuff to transfer.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description Comes with muscles and good at following directions.
When and Where
Location Pittsboro, 27312
Start Time Sat. Jul 14, 2018 at 10:00am
Time Estimate 3 hours
When Posted Thursday, 07/12/18 08:33pm
Awarded Sweepers
Tavian S.
4.98 44 Reviews
Addison R.
5.0 2 Reviews
Tavian S. 5 Good worker. Came promptly on time. Courteous and profession. Would be glad to work with him again.
Addison R. 5 Good worker. Arrived early. Courteous and profession. Would be glad to work with him again.

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