Category Moving
Description I need some items moved from a one-story house in 27278, to a first-floor apartment in 27278 (7 miles away). The items I need moved from the house to the apartment are a washer, dryer, armoire, small chest of drawers, medium chest of drawers, bureau, and couch. I also need an upright piano moved from the house, to another house in 27278 (5 miles away). At that house, I need a large piece of office furniture moved upstairs. I will be renting a U-Haul for all the moving.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Hillsborough, 27278
Start Time Fri. Aug 28, 2015 at 12:30pm
When Posted Monday, 08/24/15 05:26pm
Awarded Sweepers
Sean R.
Wes G.
None 3 Reviews
Sean R. Sean was great! Professional and extremely efficient!
Wes G. Sean was great! Professional and extremely efficient!

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