Category Moving
Description disassemble bed and move into an adjacent storage area in same roommove a wooden desk (homedepot type) to same area.take some bronze heads (2) to my car (one person can handle this)
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 1
Sweeper Description Same people would be ideal (Annie and ? cannot remember his name from last time).Annie is already going to be with me on Monday, the 4th of April at 2pm. If it is possible to get another person to help Annie at the same time, that would be ideal. Otherwise anytime before the 7th on Monday, Tuesday after 10am, or Wednesday after 1 am. should not take more than an hour.
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27514
Start Time Mon. Apr 4, 2016 at 2:00pm
When Posted Friday, 04/01/16 03:52pm
Awarded Sweepers
David M.
4.94 52 Reviews
David M. 4 Thank you David!

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