Category Moving
Description Move dresser, bed mattress, bed frame, shelves and desk from 907 E. Franklin Street to 107 Parkside Circle (to the attic)
Equipment Needed Pickup Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27514
Start Time Tue. Jun 4, 2024 at 6:00pm
Time Estimate 1 hour
When Posted Tuesday, 06/04/24 06:24am
Awarded Sweepers
Kevin C.
4.97 29 Reviews
Declan M.
Kevin C. 5 I am very grateful to both Kevin and Declan for moving the furniture and the boxes from one house to our house as it is a job that would have taken us a couple of days to do and we didn't have that time. In addition, I am value his and Declan's ability to think strategically about the placement of the furniture in order to create a path for us to access this furniture and other stuff in the attic. The attic barely has any space, and holy cow, he and Declan did it!
Declan M. 5 I am very grateful to both Declan and Kevin for moving the furniture and the boxes from one house to our house as it is a job that would have taken us a couple of days to do and we didn't have that time. In addition, I am value his and Kevin's ability to think strategically about the placement of the furniture in order to create a path for us to access this furniture and other stuff in the attic. The attic barely has any space and, holy cow, he and Kevin did it!

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