Category Moving
Description Moving furniture fro residential house into a 6 x 12 foot trailer for a move. Furniture include full bed, headboard and mattress, 2 dressers and side table, 6 foot long bookshelf, 50 inch tv and electronic equipment, about 15 boxes and containers with clothing and household items, etc. We will have the boxes and containers, moving blankets, tape, and straps for securing items on trailer. Will also have hand truck if needed. Most of the furniture will have to come down one flight of stairs. We will also have some tools and drills if needed.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Chapel Hill, 27517
Start Time Thu. May 2, 2024 at 9:30am
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Thursday, 04/18/24 09:50pm
Awarded Sweepers
Victor A.
4.97 35 Reviews
Torryn T.
4.98 41 Reviews
Victor A. 5 Victor was a great help with moving furniture and packing our U-Haul. And a pleasure to spend time with. Robert
Torryn T. 5 Torryn was also a great worker. Really efficient and a pleasure. Thanks. Robert

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