Category Moving
Description Switching furniture from one classroom to another. Two flights of stairs. The School is located in Dillworth (Charlotte). We have 4 solid wood bookcases (very heavy and a wood desk) that need to be taken up the stairs. Everything else is just average in weight (but that all goes downstairs. Also, if interested for additional hour need "lockers" spray painted.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description Must be polite and careful when moving the furniture. If doing the spray painting must be careful and not careless when painting.
When and Where
Location Charlotte, 28203
Start Time Sat. Jun 11, 2016 at 10:00am
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Thursday, 06/09/16 01:17pm
Awarded Sweepers
Collin E.
4.75 13 Reviews
Patrick C.
Collin E. 4 They did a good job. Could have been a little bit faster in moving items, carrying 2 drawers up stairs, I could have done that. But very nice and polite.
Patrick C. 4 Very polite and early. Could have been a little bit faster in moving furniture. Carrying 2 drawers up stairs, I could have done that. Just need to push a little harder.

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