Category Moving
Description Furniture moved from the bottom floor to the main floor. (No beds) Items include arm chairs, one dresser, kitchen table (2 pieces for ease of moving) bedside tables, boxes. Most things are shrink wrapped from the move there. There is one item (king bed frame that is folded) that needs to move from the 3rd floor down to the main floor.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Durham, 27707
Start Time Sat. Jan 25 at 12:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Wednesday, 01/22/25 12:51pm
Awarded Sweepers
Jonathan R.
Martin P.
4.85 13 Reviews
Jonathan R. 5 On time, hard working and will totally use you again!
Martin P. 5 Followed all directions, worked hard and respected my home!

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