Category Moving
Description Moving (bookcase, cedar chest, lamp, 2 bedside tables, dresser, chest of drawers, 3 barstools, pictures, misc. boxes, etc.) from 10800 Orwin Manor Drive, Raleigh to 819 Huntsman Drive, Durham. Also moving items within house to make room for new stuff. Would take 2 pickup trucks or a truck and trailer.
Equipment Needed Pickup Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27617
Start Time Sat. Jun 22, 2024 at 8:30am
Time Estimate 4 hours
When Posted Sunday, 06/16/24 10:55am
Awarded Sweepers
Brandon G.
Jean D M.
4.83 24 Reviews
Brandon G. 5 Great handling of my belongings.
Jean D M. 5 Very helpful and courteous.

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