Category Moving
Description Moving garden stuff (in bins, loose tools, potted plants, etc.), patio glider, small patio table, bird bath, sofa, coffee table to 809 Huntsman Drive, Durham, NC. Then, move furniture within the house from room to room on 1 floor. 1 heavy item - drafting table with metal base. Some boxes and 1 small console table up the stairs
Equipment Needed Pickup Truck
Pickup Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27617
Start Time Sat. Mar 23, 2024 at 10:00am
Time Estimate 6 hours
When Posted Monday, 03/18/24 10:05am
Awarded Sweepers
Quinnton H.
4.95 85 Reviews
Torryn T.
4.98 41 Reviews
Quinnton H. 5 Great mover! Knows his stuff and knows how to get it done right. Very respectful of my belongings and a great help.
Torryn T. 5 Very respectful about belongings and a great help. He is a strong worker with a can-do attitude.

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