Category Moving
Description I need furniture and boxes loaded into a uhaul and moved about 5 minutes from my house into a rented storage unit. I may need assistance hauling off some items to a dump or garbage the day of the move but I am trying to have that done before Sat. I also will need help taking 3 beds apart before the move.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Durham, 27713
Start Time Sat. Nov 13, 2021 at 10:00am
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Tuesday, 11/09/21 10:52pm
Awarded Sweepers
Evan A.
Darrien H.
Evan A. 5 Evan was awesome! I went quite a bit over the estimated time and Evan happily stayed to complete the move. I hope to hire him again when I move next time.
Darrien H. 5 Evan was awesome! I went quite a bit over the estimated time and Darrien happily stayed to complete the move. I hope to hire him again when I move next time.

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