Category Moving
Description Furniture needs to be moved around my home. Beds, shelves, dressers, etc. Some furniture will need to be taken apart and put back together - canopy bed and some shelves.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Durham, 27705
Start Time Sat. Aug 19, 2023 at 9:00am
Time Estimate 3 hours
When Posted Friday, 08/18/23 07:41am
Awarded Sweepers
Keith H.
Cahyran D.
Keith H. 5 He was very accommodating with various requests to move furniture around our house which required planning of what to move first, etc. Lots of stairs. He moved a lot of boxes of books, toys, and other household items as well. He had a big smile the entire time - very good attitude.
Cahyran D. 5 He was very nice and worked very hard. Needed very little supervision as he moved a lot of furniture, some pieces were pretty heavy. He took furniture apart and put it back together as needed. Was very careful with other objects in the house, making sure nothing got damaged. Very agreeable and pleasant personality.

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