Category Moving
Description We need help to move furniture from garage back into house - we just had the floors refinished. Includes: California king size bed (and reassembly of frame)Vanity with mirror (reattaching mirror)DresserNightstandTwo sofasOne coffee tableOne wall mirrorPossibly Dining room table (and reassembly of legs) The bed boxsprings are two twin size items, so those are not terribly bulky.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description We are grateful for the help, and just ask that the movers will be careful to not scratch or damage newly refinished wood floors. They will need to be strong because the top mattress is bulky and heavy. I ask for them to be a little patient and let me add felt cushions to bottom of items such as sofa legs that might scratch floors. We have a good hand truck, tools and some blankets if needed. My husband use to have a small moving company.
When and Where
Location Oxford, 27565
Start Time Sat. Jun 9, 2018 at 3:00pm
Time Estimate 1 hour
When Posted Friday, 06/08/18 03:49pm
Awarded Sweepers
Jalil L.
Jartavis B.
4.94 67 Reviews
Jalil L. 5 Jalil did a great job helping us move furniture and we appreciated his help very much!
Jartavis B. 5 Jartavis did a great job helping us move furniture and we appreciated his help very much!

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