Category Moving
Description Need household items unloaded from ABF truck into the apartment which is on first floor. We have stuff that fits in 1 bedroom, living room, Kitchen stuff. We have an extra queen mattress and box springs. Need 1 King bed, crib, dresser fixed. Please contact me directly to know more. Email:
Equipment Needed Hand Truck
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description Reliable, strong men, who can lift medium to heavy large size boxes and furniture.
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27617
Start Time Thu. Dec 28, 2017 at 4:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Monday, 12/25/17 02:24pm
Awarded Sweepers
Vincent B.
Auburn S.
4.98 41 Reviews
Vincent B. 5 Vincent is very nice to work with, always smiling and very attentive. He is very professional and I have not seen frustration or annoyance when the bulk head/partition wall in the ABF truck was hard to take apart. The team, Vincent and Auburn, promptly notified us that our stuff shifted in the truck while in-transit from NJ to NC and identified all the items that were damaged in the truck. Everything was moved inside carefully in small batches and all instructions were followed diligently. I wish Vincent all the very best and keep up the great work ethics. Thanks again.
Auburn S. 5 Auburn is great to work with, always smiling and very attentive. He is very professional and he did not seem to be frustrated when the bulk head/partition wall in the ABF truck was hard to take apart. The team, Vincent and Auburn, promptly notified us that our stuff shifted in the truck while in-transit from NJ to NC and identified all the items that were damaged in the truck. Everything was moved inside carefully in small batches and all instructions were followed diligently. I wish Auburn all the very best and keep up the great work ever thics. Thanks again for helping us out with the move.

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