Category Moving
Description While this day should be principally about moving, we have a lot of work to be done this week, including lots of dusting, vacuuming, and mopping, cleaning fridges, folding clothes, helping move stuff out of a garage (and hauling it to storage or Goodwill) and moving full plastic bins into the basement and out of the house to a storage facility (and your presence will help facilitate the filling of those boxes! :) )...hard to say which things will be happening which day, though...since it may be raining, we will rent a moving van and hopefully be able to take the Sweep to rent it and put them on the insurance so they can move the storage bins without us being there...
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 1
Sweeper Description Strong (for the moving), pleasant, careful and very detail-oriented (for the cleaning...we have an old, persnickety house :/ ), and non-judgemental! (it's pretty messy! :( )
When and Where
Location Durham, 27701
Start Time Wed. Mar 29, 2017 at 9:00am
Time Estimate 8 hours
When Posted Monday, 03/27/17 01:17am
Awarded Sweepers
Niko G.
Niko G. 5 We love Niko! He has become our go-to Sweep! :)

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