Category Moving
Description Move following items down two flights of stairs onto a truck. No need to unload. That will be done by others. Sofa, Loveseat, 2 small End Tables, 1 round Dining table and 4 Dining chairs, Twin bed, Twin mattress, tall 4-drawer Dresser, small Desk and Desk Chair, folding "camp" chair, approximately 8-10 boxes of dishes , kitchen items, clothes, toiletries, etc.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Greensboro, 27403
Start Time Sat. Jul 30, 2022 at 12:00pm
Time Estimate 2 hours
When Posted Friday, 07/01/22 12:28pm
Awarded Sweepers
Richard N.
4.94 88 Reviews
Foray K.
5.0 3 Reviews
Richard N. 5 Great job and easy to work with.
Foray K. 5 Great job and easy to work with.

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