Category Moving
Description I need the labor to move a sofa with a hide-a-bed in it, and a queen mattress set and headboard. I have the truck, just need the manpower. We are moving it a mile or so from the above address into a ranch house with only 2 steps on the front porch.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description 2 men able to lift a 225 pound sofa bed.
When and Where
Location Greensboro, 27408
Start Time Thu. Apr 12, 2018 at 11:00am
Time Estimate 1 hour
When Posted Friday, 04/06/18 06:00pm
Awarded Sweepers
Joel E.
4.85 13 Reviews
Jeffrey E.
5.0 6 Reviews
Joel E. 5 So nice and polite and persisted til we got the job done.
Jeffrey E. 5 Equally as nice and polite and dedicated.

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