Category Moving
Description I have boxes and furniture in five storage rooms. I have purchased a new house and want to create a list of the furniture in the storage rooms along with a photo and the dimensions of each piece. I will direct the measurement and photography, but I need helpers with strong backs to create space by temporarily removing some of the boxes from each room and then rearranging the furniture in each storage room so that each piece of furniture can be measured and photographed. Then everything will be moved back into its original room. There are four rooms in this first location, but two have been done. I will post a follow-up for the second location.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
When and Where
Location Greensboro, 27407
Start Time Thu. Aug 15, 2024 at 9:00am
Time Estimate 4 hours
When Posted Monday, 08/12/24 05:41pm
Awarded Sweepers
Hunter C.
4.87 38 Reviews
Graham M.
5.0 5 Reviews
Hunter C. 5 Worked hard and well.
Graham M. 5 worked hard and well.

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