Category Moving
Description Moving a one bedroom apartment - minimum of queen-sized bed, heavy curio cabinet (heavy and fragile), grandfather clock (fragile), sofa, bedroom dresser, bookshelf, several heavier boxes with books, kitchen items, etc. I will rent and drive the moving truck. New apartment is approximately 10 minutes away from the one I am leaving.
Equipment Needed none
Sweepers Requested 2
Sweeper Description Need to be strong enough to move the heavy, fragile furniture carefully. I prefer sweepers that have experience moving heavy furniture.
When and Where
Location Raleigh, 27612
Start Time Sat. Nov 21, 2015 at 12:00pm
When Posted Sunday, 11/08/15 03:16pm
Awarded Sweepers
Andrew F.
None 1 Reviews
Isaac J.
Andrew F. Polite, on time, got the job done but slower than past movers.
Isaac J. Polite, on time, got the job done but slower than past movers.

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